Sunday, December 17, 2017

Is There an X-Men Reboot Coming?

     So if you haven't heard Disney has just struck a deal with Fox and is now the proud owners of most of their entertainment divisions. As of now Disney are the proud owners of Fox Entertainment, 20th Century Fox and other studios. But we're not here for that. We here for superheroes. If you are a Marvel fan this should excite as this means that Marvel has legal rights to the Fantastic Four and X-Men again. Since Marvel can use the properties again that means that we might be seeing the X-Men and Fantastic Four in the MCU, most importantly the X-Men.
Disney and Marvel have two options to bring the X-Men into the MCU. Marvel can keep things the way they are as the recent films, First Class all the way until Dark Phoenix, already serve as a soft reboot to the many X-men films that have came out in almost a couple of decades. The characters can somehow be shoehorned into later films in the MCU. But alas this will cause some problems. 
     There's a lot going on in the current X-Men movie continuity that can make the current franchise hard to fit. Even with Days of Future Past which was Fox's attempt to start anew and get rid of some of these continuity issues some are still a problem. I'm looking at you two Archangels, two Deadpools, and pretty much rest of the mess that wasn't fixed in X-Men Origins: Wolverine. It would be much better and simpler just start things over. There are still some big problems with continuity.
     The other issue and reason for a reboot will be the actors themselves. You have some actors that have or are considering moving on from the franchise and retiring from their roles. Logan was Hugh Jackman's final swan song from the franchise with him playing Wolverine one last time after going back and forward on stating on whether he'll quit the role for years. With Logan being Jackman's exit, it might be hard to explain a new actor as Wolverine when we had Jackman digging his claws in the role for 11+ years. Jackman is not the only one as other actors in the franchise have or are deciding to leave after the filming is done as Jennifer Lawrence is another actor who has said that she is pretty much done playing Mystique or has until Dark Phoenix where she only came back to give her Mystique character a proper sendoff.
     So yeah, a reboot would seem to be the move that makes sense. It made much sense when Marvel made a deal with Sony and borrowed and gave us a brand new Spider-Man for Civil War and Spider-Man Homecoming instead of having Andrew Garfield put on the Spidey suit. Whatever the case they be hopefully it'll be a smooth choice that'll make X-fans happy, unlike Last Stand.

Monday, November 20, 2017

Justice League: Did It Suck?

Justice League is the latest film in the DCEU universe. If you have been keeping score DC's movie universe has been 2 for 1 as BvS kinda sucked and Suicide Squad was a bit of a mess. The only film that showed a glimmer of hope was Wonder Woman. This time around you have a few more heroes joining Batman and Wonder Woman are a few more heroes from DC to save the world and honestly save the entire DCEU. Will they do it or will this another point in the list of "you're doing movies wrong DC"? Oh, and Zack Snyder made this so, fun times?

So let 's get to the plot. There might be spoilers.

     It's up to Batman and Wonder Woman to recruit and form a league of heroes to stop an upcoming force that could doom us all. The main villain, Steppenwolf, a super evil badass warrior who everyone from Earth, Aquarians, Amazons, and just regular men had to stop uniting three companion cubes, oops I'm sorry, Mother Boxes is back to finish the job and prepare for the coming of Darkseid by using the three sequels worth of AllSparks from the Transformer movies, I mean Mother Boxes, to change the climate of Earth. Basically like what General Zod tried to do in Man of Steel, except more of a hellish apocalyptic wasteland. Sounds epic? Not really.
     The whole movie was lull. Very vanilla in a sea of bland snow. You had a build up, not much character buildup or honestly really good movie pacing, but an ok introduction to all of the heores and everyone getting together to prevent Steppenwolf from his plan and not having a proper trade off at the climax in the movie. The actual final showdown was anti epic and climatic in the most possible way. Again, you had all this build up to the final battle with Steppenwolf being all evil intergalactic badass that EVERYONE on Earth had to stop him from turning the planet to a wasteland the first time to being defeated by his own fear after being knocked around by Superman and Wonder Woman. It also hurts as the battles with Steppenwolf were more epic, especially that Amazon fight scene (God I miss watching Wonder Woman after this). As the polar opposite of how anticlimactic things got you're met with a pretty HUGE WTF.
     It wasn't all bad. You did get a bit of lightheartedness in a response to DC's plan to make everything all Dark and Gritty™. You did get a generous bit of comedy which was cute. The MVPs of the movie have to be Ezra Miller, Ray Fisher, and Jason Momoa. Ezra had great comedic timing. Even though he was the comedic relief of the movie it wasn't annoying in any sense, which can happen alot in these movies. Ray Fisher's cyborg was the character the film decide to give a lot character growth which Fisher handled it well, compared to everyone else. Jason Momoa is basically Atlantis' answer to Wolverine and there's nothing wrong with that. For everyone else everyone did play their parts well. Warning if you loved Wonder Woman Diana, she's not here but who figured her to be. This is years later while she's used to being in man's world and Steve is dead. She can be a bit broody instead of Amazon Ariel in her solo movie. The Superman part was pretty good.

Final Verdict
     Honestly I feel like Justice League honestly doesn't know what movie it wanted to be. It tried to be comedic like Suicide Squad but didn't go all out like Suicide Squad did. It tried to be uplifting at times like Man of Steel and in some cases Wonder Woman but it just feels like lip service and half assed. Meanwhile Justice League trying to be everything it winds up not being much and boring. It doesn't help that it faced the same issues that Batman v Superman met with connecting everything. Batman v Superman gave you a lot of stuff going on as well as the main story. Justice League meanwhile didn't have much only having one big plot and still had trouble linking everything together or making things flow effortlessly. I like many people who saw Wonder Woman wanted to see DC and Warner Bros steer this universe into the right direction and had hope that after Wonder Woman that this would be the case. Like Tyra Banks we were rooting for you, Justice League, how dare you! Learn something from this DC. Hopefully letting Zack Snyder stick with Superman movies since that is the only part he got right, pretty much. Justice League gets 2 SuperFriends out of 5.

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Is Super Mario Odyssey the Best Mario Game Ever?

     Super Mario Odyssey is out and holy goomba on a stick is it is awesome. This time Mario has to step out of the Mushroom Kingdom and brave a whole new world as he sets sail to rescue Princess Peach, again. It's no doubt that Odyssey is a great game with a ton of creativity in the many worlds Mario has to look for Power Moons in, new mechanics that spices up old traditional 3D Mario gameplay, and tons of stuff to explore in the many kingdoms, including secrets and easter eggs. With a ton of stuff to do and how great Odyssey looks and plays, you have to wonder is it the best Mario game ever?

     It is no doubt that Odyssey is modeled after past 3D Mario titles. Odyssey is the first open world Mario Game since Super Mario Sunshine and Super Mario 64. The first Mario 3D title, Super Mario 64 is set the standard for ever 3D Mario game as its influence is not only calling back to the Mushroom Kingdom but to its exploration and gameplay as Mario is in these huge worlds looking for Power Moons which are the stars in the game, literally in the Mushroom Kingdom. While Mario 64 is the blueprint, Super Mario Sunshine is the biggest contributor to Odyssey's development.
       The goal in Odyssey's development seems to be to take things that were in both 64 and Sunshine and take it to newer heights like a P-Wing. Like Sunshine you do get traditional gameplay mixed in with a ton of puzzles elements, but Odessey takes thing and flip it on its head. The puzzles and puzzlier and funnier. What's also is on its head is Cappy which seems to be a huge step up than what FLUDD was in Sunshine. With Cappy, Mario is able to do all sorts of things from attacking enemies, using him to jump further, and possess enemies.

     If possessing enemies isn't enough then there are a ton of easter eggs and secrets in the game. Easter eggs and references isn't anything new to Mario games, especially the recent ones. Odyssey is however chock full of throwbacks to send you into a nostalgia coma for months. From almost everything in the Mushroom Kingdom (including Yoshi's house from Super Mario World) to Metro Kingdom referencing Mario's Jumpman days in Donkey Kong.
    Odyssey has up the ante in term of content and gameplay than its predecessors but is it a much better game than both? It's hard to make a definitive judgement as each Mario game have its charm. Odyssey is technically the better game, but it doesn't have the feel to it 64 exploring the castle grounds and the character that Sunshine had venturing Isle Defino. It is good that Odyssey does take things up a notch compared to 64 and Sunshine and it's great that it does those things without ruining classing 3D Mario gameplay.

What are your thoughts?

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

We Were Never Going Back To Kanto

     Sun and Moon came out during Pokemon's 20th Anniversary. With it's release we had a ton of call backs to the original Red and Blue games. We got to see a ton of generation 1 pokemon all throughout Alola along with Alolan forms of some of them, Alola, having its own variation of nugget bridge even re-enacting the time you had to fight trainers and a Team Rocket grunt at the end, and even fighting Red and Blue at Battle Tree. You even were treated a Machoke stomping the land flat in Sun and Moon's demo.
     So with all of these nods back to the gen 1 games, a trailer, a lot of fans were hopeful that with Sun and Moon's release we were going to take a journey back to the Kanto region a la Gold and Silver. Right? Wrong. Sun and Moon came out and it looks like *spoilers* the only one taking a trip to Kanto was Lillie in the game's ending. Ultra Moon and ultra Sun are on its way and Kanto journey hopefuls that wouldn't let the dream die got hopeful again with a screenshot where it looks like you would be back in Lt. Surge's gym and even Mega Sun and Mega Moon will be featuring Team Rocket grunts to name even more callbacks. Later it turns out it's just a new area in one of the towns in Alola. So, the dream died and people are sad that they won't be going back to the land that started it all. Should they?
     The only game that ever had you go back to a region from a previous game was Gold and Silver. And the only reason behind that was probably because Jhoto was a region literally across from Kanto. After Gold and Silver you only stayed in the current region and never went back to the previous one. You were treated however to some references to other regions and even some events that happened from past games. They've never broke away from this in the other generations so it wouldn't make sense to do it in this current generation even if it was the 20th anniversary. Nintendo and the Pokemon Company wants you to focus on Alola and there's nothing wrong with that.
     And even if they did decide to take you back to Kanto, it most likely wouldn't be the Kanto we all would remember. According to the timeline, yes there is a timeline, Sun and Moon takes place years after Red and Blue. Again, we see this now with Red and Blue being adults. We may not recognize towns and different places in Kanto if we ever went back. We may not even see the same characters and gym leaders. A lot has changed in Kanto during the events in Gold and Silver since we last been there three years ago. Cinnabar Island is gone, The Pokemon tower in Lavender town was changed from a spooky pokemon cemetery to not so spooky radio tower, and Blue and Janine took over gym leader duties in place of Koga and Giovanni (who is still on the run). It's maybe best to remember Kanto the way it was.

Saturday, October 14, 2017

What Games Should Be in the Game Boy Classic (If There is One)?

     So Nintendo has been conducting the Nostalgia train with not one but two emulators. First we got the NES Classic which gave us a wave of 8-bit games that we used to play during that era. Then we got the SNES Classic that not only up the ante with all of our favorite SNES games, but gave us the unreleased Star Fox 2. Both emulators have sold well so it's no sudden surprise that Nintendo MIGHT keep the trend going by giving us a Game Boy Classic as well, according to rumors.
     I, like a lot of you all remember pestering our moms for one. I for one drove my mom up the wall playing my Game Boy so much that I literally wore them out and she had to buy multiple ones for me. I like a lot of took them everywhere and that was the whole appeal. You can play your favorite games anywhere, as long as you had a good pair of double A batteries. Anyway, if they do make it official what games will make the cut? Here's a list of what I hope will:

Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins

So the first one must've been so good that they had to make another one right? SML2 was in every way bigger and grander than its predecessor even to its graphics. Who can't forget playing this game. How difficult the star maze level was. Fighting the three little pigs in the Mario zone. Also this game was the debut of our favorite garlic eating money grubbing schemer Wario.

Super Mario Land

The original. This was almost like a Super Mario Bros remix as instead of Princess Peach, you had to rescue Princess Daisy in the four different kingdoms of Sarassaland. It was portable fun with classic Mario gameplay and a couple of screen shooter elements in it via Mario's toypop plane.

Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3

This was an excellent debut for Wario as he was on a mission to get treasure and a giant statue of Princess Peach. I remember trying to find all the secrets of the game to get a 100% and get the best ending.

Kirby's Dreamland

This was the debut of everyone's favorite little pink marshmallow. It has all true classic Kirbyness so why shouldn't this make the cut.

Donkey Kong '94

This is almost a remix of the classic Donkey Kong arcade game. It introduces the classic levels but also gives you a bunch of platform-puzzle levels. I remember how fun it was playing this.

Bomberman GB

We didn't get this in the US, not in its original version. So if Nintendo can pull a Star Fox 2, then they can very well do it again with this game.

Castlevania: The Adventure

You think the early Castlevania games were hard and fun on the NES, try a portable version of it. It plays just like the classic Castlevania games that we love without the truly horror induced 3D games that we weren't fond of. Also nobody's dressed up in weird BDSM leather crap.

Donkey Kong Land

The SNES port was so awesome right? Why not make a Game Boy version of it. For the most part it played like a condensed version of DKC, and that's not a bad thing.

Final Fantasy Adventure

Putting Zelda in a Final Fantasy game? What more could you want? This was one of the first Final Fantasy spin-offs they made where they experimented and tweaked with gameplay along with Mystic Quest. As I stated earlier this game was unique as it gave us the series' traditional battle gameplay elements mixed with Zelda gameplay with an top-down overworld screen and dungeon puzzle solving. This spin-off also gave way to the Mana series.

The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening

More Zelda is always good. So this was like mini Zelda in that you were not in Hyrule and solving classic Zelda dungeon puzzles in an island trying to wake a giant magic fish. It's more awesome than it sounds. More so that the Zelda team recently did a call back to the game with a quest in Breath of the Wild.

Mega Man: Dr. Wily's Revenge

More Mega Man. More good.


Want to know where that cool song from Super Smash Bros Brawl? This where it came from. This game was giving us 16 bit 3D before Star Fox.

Metroid II: Return of Samus

I know. We got a enhanced remake with Samus Returns. So why not compare both games by putting this on the list. Both seem to be great games in the series.


This is the game you've wasted countless hours on playing. So it would be a crime for Nintendo to put this in the Game Boy Classic. This came out at a time where everyone was obsessed with lining weird shaped block in order. Hell, putting Tetris on the Game Boy was responsible for the Game Boy being as big as it was.

Game and Watch Gallery

Classic minigames from the Game and Watch series remixed with Mario. You can even play the classic versions.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Maybe Rare Is In The Right About Not Revisiting Past Franchises

     Rare dropped a bit of a bombshell on us recently in regards to fans asking to return to old franchises. In an interview with DK Vine, head of Rare studio Craig Duncan has said that they are not interested in going back to old franchises, even going as far as saying that it would be "the worst thing for Rare to do." He further stated.

 "I don't think it's OK to just go make the same game that people loved before but with up-to-date graphics, audio and all those things [...] Just making them again with whatever technology's available today - that's not Rare," Duncan said. "I think that what Rare is, is doing the kind of games that only Rare would go do."

He continues to say:

"If I went and said to Rare, 'hey, go remake all of the stuff that was kind of successful at the time but make it up-to-date,' I don't think it would be good, and I don't think it would be relevant, and I don't think people would really want it. I think they might think they do, but I don't think they would."

     This kinda upset fans who probably were looking forward and hoping that Rare would dust off old franchises like Banjo-Kazooie and Conker and get new games. I kinda understand where people are coming from being upset, but strangely enough I'm on the side of Rare.
     Yeah, it could be nice to see more Banjo-Kazooie and Conker games but realistically, not every old franchise can be like Mario or Zelda where you can do tweak the standard gameplay and keep the old fans happy and mostly everything works wonderfully. Making these games with out trying to improve on the gameplay and just relying on better graphics just so that we can live in a wonderful world of nostalgia™ would be a disservice to the series that we loved when we were kids.That's what happened when Rare gave us Banjo and Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts where it did have its great parts like its inside jokes and story, but left us with a sour taste in our mouths when they almost completely ditched the classic platformer gameplay and in Banjo's spiritual successor Yooka Laylee made by Playtonic, former Rare developers, which was a basic former shell of its predecessor with a lot of old, but not enough new to keep us satisfied. Also don't get me started on the Sonic series.
     It seems that Rare is interested in giving trying out fresh and new game mechanics, but in new games which it isn't a bad thing. In closing let the past be in the past where we love it and accept that, and probably get a really good emulator. What are your thoughts?

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Jobs Mario Needs

Yes boys and girls, it's true. Nintendo has recently announced that Mario is no longer a plumber. Since 1981 Mario's debut in Donkey Kong it's been unknown what was his occupation and how the hell could he afford a gorilla named Donkey Kong. It wasn't until the game Mario Bros that Mario and his brother Luigi were officially deemed as plumbers, a matter of fact the game is them dealing with creatures that got flushed down pipes. Over the years as Mario went on to save Princess Peach, he kinda taken his plumbing job in the back burner with it being referenced in a couple video games. Now that it seems that Mario has officially hung up his... plunger? What will he do now to earn coins for a living?

Game Show Host

Mario sure knows how to throw a party. With doing all the zany mini games in the Mario Party series that he and other Mario characters do, why don't he become a game show host? The mini games almost have a American Ninja Warrior or Double Dare feeling to it, why not ad trivial questions to it and have it become a full fledged show? His friends be chased by boulders, boos, and wack each other with hammers for coins. Why not for other fabulous prizes? Maybe a BRAND NEW CAR!


Mario Kart is easily hands down the most successful Mario spin-offs. Its popularity was huge enough for it to be treated as a it's own thing in Super smash Bros with  not only stages dedicated to the games but items as well. It's time for Mario to take off on the sudden high wave of popularity and shift gears and become a race car driver.


Let's face it. The Toad guards are not doing their job right. Even getting kidnapped themselves. Peach needs to up her security.


I know we all remember the Super Mario Bros movie and how horrible it was (We can never forget tragedies. They haunt us forever.) Horrible cinematography? Could be. Bad script? Maybe. Bad acting? Dennis Hopper wasn't a great Koopa in it so probably, but it was definitely missing something: Mario! Maybe if Mario himself could've saved the film from being one of the worst video game movies ever. The first movie he was in didn't suck... that much.


So Mario has been a doctor for a while in the Dr. Mario games. No longer being a plumber could mean him finally putting on the white jacket permanently. The Mushroom Kingdom needs a prescription that only Dr. Mario can fill out! Wait, Mario is an actual doctor, right? If not at least he can play one like a certain one on TV.

Fuck It! Enjoy Retirement

Fuck it. Life's too good to be fixing leaky pipes and toilets. You can just live the retired life. You've accumulated a ton of money from busting blocks and traveling to countless worlds saving Princess Peach over the past thirty plus years. Plus I'm sure Ninendo and Miyamoto-san can cut you a check or at least give you a piece of the Mario game sales, right? RIGHT? No? Oh. I wonder if lawyers take gold coins.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Sonic Mania: Awesome Because of Nostalgia?

     Sonic Mania is out and holy crapballs is it amazing. For those who don't know and are new, Sonic mania is one of the two new Sonic games coming out this year. Mania seems to be a retro love letter to the previous Sonic games of the 16 bit era.  The constant work of nostalgia has seemed to garnered the love of fans and critics alike. But is the game's love and success due to the huge galore of nostalgia or is there something else behind why the game being so awesome?
     There's no doubt that Sonic Mania is a big pretty package of nostalgia and glory to the earlier Sonic games. It's return to full 2D and full retro feel. The return of the Blue Sphere mini game. classic retro zones returning, the Special zones being ripped straight out of the Sonic CD. It is even chocked full of secrets and easter eggs going back to that to Sonic's golden era of games. But we've seen the nostalgia card being waved before in the Sonic series and it hasn't worked or wasn't quite perfected, looking at you Sonic 4. Sonic Mania is the response to what the fans want: A simple Sonic game.
     The team fronted by Christian Taxman, who worked on the earlier Sonic games, stripped down and went with what worked in the past games, and went back to basics which ironically is what the series needed to do all along to stay fresh. No weird game mechanics. No Werehog, no dark and gritty reboot like Sonic '06 was, and whatever the hell Shadow the Hedgehog was. It is a far cry from some of the Sonic games I referenced from the series' later years where development teams tried piled on so much stuff in games that it just ended up being a big mess. The nostalgia is only a front.
      Hopefully Sega has learned learned something from this and maybe Sonic 4 that less is more and simple works. They seemed to be on the right track with Generations and it would be nice to momentum continued with Forces whenever that comes out.

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Where The Hell Is A New Darkstalkers Game?

The 90s was some sort of a golden era for games. You had a SNES in almost every household. Mario was the king of games and Sonic was ever so quick on his heels to overthrow him. But most importantly quarters fell like rain in arcade shops. If it was one genre that thrived in the 90s, it was fighting games. It all started with Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat took it to higher places and knocked the genre off a pit. If you could claim a king of fighting game hits it would be no other than Capcom. Street Fighter, Final Fight, X-Men vs. Street Fighter which was introduction to the Marvel vs Capcom series. All amazing hit games, but there was never a more interesting game than Darkstalkers.

     If you don't know what Darkstalkers was it was Street Fighter meets Halloween where you had fighters based off of iconic monsters. You had Vampires, Succubi, and a Frankenstein monster that attacks you with his butt. It was great, great enough to not only get video game sequels but an anime series and one cartoon that was not so great. But just like everything good in the 90s and Santa after mom and dad lost their job, we stopped getting games. Now this doesn't mean that we stop seeing Darkstalker characters altogether, the series had enough of a fanbase that Capcom featured a couple of Darkstalker characters here in there in other fighting games, most noticeably the Marvel vs. Capcom series. But why did they stop making Darkstalker games and most importantly what will get them to resurrect the series again?
     Capcom producer Yoshinori Ono has said at Comic Con 2010 that it would be his dream to revive the series and that is exactly what he has tried. At the following Comic-con even he told fans that the series is not dead and took pictures of people at the panel that wanted the series back in order to spark Capcom's interest. A couple of years later Capcom announced Darkstalkers: Resurrection which was met with positive reviews, but was a commercial flop. Nothing new about the series came after that.
     Capcom has announced that they are considering blowing the dust off of some of their more dormant titles. Darkstalkers should at least be in the considering. It was obvious that Resurrection was Capcom testing the waters to see if they can revive the series and again, despite it not selling well that shouldn't have been the main reason to not make more games. There could've been a lot of factors behind Resurrection not doing as well as it did most importantly how Capcom treated and promoted the game and people not wanting to by a full fledged fighting game than a compilation best of. Things have changed since then. With the recent re-interest in fighting games, reviving the Darkstalkers series would be the best plan for them to make. Also considering the recent success with Ultra Street Fighter II it would be a big why not for Capcom. It is time to act now while the iron is hot but not with another best of, but they should gamble more with an actual new game. It is something their still prominent fanbase would want. Plus it seems it will be better than Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite is looking right now.

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Will Legendary Pokemon Get Us Interested In Pokemon Go Again?

     Thursday we received huge news in regards to Pokemon Go. Legendary Pokemon have finally been introduced. So how do legendary pokemon events work? Well, there will be legendary eggs that will sprout in certain locations and it will be a collective teamwork to defeat a legendary pokemon in a certain time limit. If successful, you and everyone else will catch the legendary pokemon. Sounds cool and all, but will this be cool enough to get people back into playing Pokemon Go?
      Pokemon Go was the game of the summer last year. Instead of staying indoors like usual, it made us go out into the unknown and discover our neighborhoods, dead bodies, and risk getting into car accidents all to capture that Dragonite in your neighbor's backyard or visit your local church to refresh on poke lures. not to pray or some other crap like that.
     But alas, our love for Pokemon Go was brief and just like the season it came and went. We were playing it in July and by the time Sept came we deleted our apps and put the phone down. According to Forbes by mid-July, Pokemon Go lost over 79 percent of its users. Niantic, the company responsible for the app, hasn't been hurting since the momentum of the app died down. They still have millions of people using Pokemon Go. Niantic has also been doing events to keep who was left reason to play the game like having certain pokemon appear on holidays and even adding generation 2 pokemon, and Ditto, but so far none of it has been enough spark and interest to get former players to pick up their phones and start playing again. Will the long awaited inclusion of legendary pokemon finally do this?
     Compared to the other events and announcements this is huge. We've been anticipating legendary pokemon from the beginning of the game. Even so much people had try hacking them in. For me, this does enough spark interest to re-download the app and see what's the fuss about, maybe for others as well. Will it garner enough interest to bring back former app users? We'll have to see. Luckily, we will actually see as there will be an Pokemon Go Fest in Chicago will be streamed today. At this event we will see a legendary pokemon and it will be up to participants to defeat it. Depending on how everything works out we'll see the results and if people will be outside catching pokemon for the rest of the summer and later on.

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Spider-Man: Homecoming: Does It Suck?

     Spider-Man: Homecoming is out this weekend. It is the long awaited introduction of Spider-Man finally being in the Marvel movie universe. It is also the third reboot of Spider-Man being on the big screen as we were treated to the Sam Raimi films and the Amazing Spider-Man films with Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone. Sam Raimi's Spider Man films were pretty much like going down a slide: fun at first but the other few times kinda are boring and the Amazing Spider-Man films were just bad. Third times a charm right? Will Homecoming be crowned king if the summer superhero box office this year or will it wind up not being so amazing like the Amazing Spider-Man films. Does it suck?
     As the title states, Spider-Man Homecoming is and feels very much like a High School movie. It's cool, hip, and fresh than your standard super hero movie. It really does smell like Teen Spirit, in a good way. You can tell that past John Waters inspired this film. They even made it obvious as they showed the Ferris Bueller chase scene while Spider-Man is chasing the bad guys in a van.
     This time around they went the comedic route with Spidey this time around. No standard Uncle Ben death. No Emma Stone dying. We just get jokes and action, with plenty of jokes. It pretty much felt like a PG-13 version of Deadpool, a Deadpool Jr. and that was a good thing. speaking of both film, I like how Marvel is kinda distancing themselves from the cookie cutter superhero films they've done in the past like Civil War and are giving us something new and changing the format of how these iconic characters are being portrayed on screen.
      The breakout star was Tom Holland who did not only a great job playing both Peter Parker and Spider-Man well. You do get the heroic quirkiness of Spider-Man who is just Peter under the mask and is has some good qualities in him as well, along with the quirkiness of being a teen as well.  Holland found a balance that the other actor who donned the red and blue tights couldn't do just well. Tobey Maguire was an amazing Peter Parker, but couldn't nail being Spider-Man quite right and Andrew Garfield who was an Amazing Spider-Man, but wasn't a really believable Peter Parker. Honorable mention to Zendaya who stole the scene she was in as Michelle. Pretty much all the actors involved were good, except the guy who played Flash Thomson who seemed like a more annoying version of early Potter films Dracoy Molfoy than a rival for Peter, or maybe that was the plan? Oh, and I'm not going to spoil anything, but the rumors about her character are true.

Final Verdict
     So, did Spider-Man Homecoming suck? Nope. It was a fun movie all around. Lot's of laughs and action without doing all the superhero movie cliches or not a lot of them to make it seem droll. Also,
      going back to John Holmes metaphor, the movie had a great deal of using the characters and Peter himself in a  way to make the movie in of itself not only be a great teen film, but using the notion of Peter wanting to be an Avenger, but helping others with his powers a great euphemism for growing up. It get's a 3.5. out of 5, unlike Aunt May who's a 10.

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Will The SNES Classic Be As Big As The NES Classic?

     Nintendo is giving us a follow up to the NES Classic, the SNES Classic. Just like its predecessor, the SNES Classic is an emulator that is basically the best of video games during that era and it is just that. The SNES Classic has a lot of classic games that we all loved and played. From Super Mario world and A Link to the Past to Contra III, and Earthbound what's in it is just amazing. 
     If you didn't know, the first NES Classic was a monster hit. It was one of the hottest things to get in December of 2016 selling 1.5 million units during that month. It sold like hotcakes with a side of methberry syrup. It sold so much that Nintendo had to push more units. As of now it has sold 2.3 million
     Just as fast as it sold Nintendo decided to send it up the farm in order to sell this new SNES emulator that has everyone in a frenzy. Nintendo has already prepared for a repeat as they have ordered more SNESs made and you already have scalpers on eBay ready to sell the thing at insane prices as soon as they preorder. The question is however will it be a even bigger hit than the NES Classic?
     Nostalgia was the selling point behind the NES Classic and what will be SNES Classic. I feel that SNES will be more connecting to this generation that these were the games we truly remember playing and enjoying. I personally do remember playing Super Mario Bros., Mega Man 2, & Zelda on the original NES, but the games that stuck with me and I remember most are the 16-bit games from the SNES era. I remember unlocking the Special Worlds in Super Mario World,  trying to get 100% in Donkey Kong Country, and how badass Simon Belmont's theme made me feel in Super Castelvania. I'm sure others will too.
      Will it be bigger than its predecessor the NES Classic? Not sure. Again, it sold like crazy. I'm sure the SNES won't be a huge flop. Also it doesn't hurt that you have the unreleased Star Fox 2 as a way to incite people to buy it either.

Saturday, June 17, 2017

E3 2017: What Didn't Suck

So another E3 has come and gone. We had a ton of stuff to see, but want to know what's good? Want to know what didn't suck Donkey Kong balls? What to spend or save up for this fall or next year? I made a little list that showcases what was really cool. Enjoy.

Assassin's Creed: Origins

The latest game of the Assassin's Creed series looks to be an epic. Set in Egypt the game is set to go all the way back to the beginning, if the tittle doesn't tell you that already. The gameplay is tweaked a bit different this time adding more RPG-esque elements to the classic style we're used to. Gameplay shows that you'll use animals as well as the main character uses a hawk to scout the area.

Shadow of the Colossus

One of the best games of the PS2 is being remade and it is being remade in updated glorious graphics. The first one was a masterpiece so other than the graphics, there is nothing else they need to change. Hopefully it doesn't take 12 years for this to come out like The Last Guardian.

Days Gone

We saw another glimpse of Days Gone this time. Last year we saw just zombies hordes. A massive collection of zombies. This year we get a larger look of the world in this game. Zombies aren't the only bad guys you encounter as you also have to fight off marauders as well. In the gameplay demo, you see just that as they set off a booby trap to try to kill you. Luckily you can craft up traps or even use zombies to set things up and turn the tables around and make yourself the trapper. You can also get work from maurader camps as quests to go further on in the game. What is also unique is that levels change making certain encounters different as you play. There is a lot going on in this game.

Dragonball Fighter Z

I know, a Dragonball Z fighting game that is worth playing? I know they are all basically the same and they grow like weeds each year, bu this game is different. The art style is really impressive as it flows like you're watching the anime. It's 2D but at times it switches to 3D. It looks really stunning. so button mashing or no button mashing to win aside, there's that.

Metro Exodus

The third entry in the series. You've played the other two so what's different? The game has been described as sandbox horror in contrast to the other games meaning that you will have more non-linear levels compared to the linear ones in the past games. Along with this it's in beautiful 4k so kill mutant animals in high definition!

Doom VR

Doom was a pretty awesome game so what would be better? Playing it in not just VR but, VFR. I'm sure the F stands for fun, I think...

Crackdown 3

We finally get another Crackdown game. So, everything you love about the last crackdown game you'll love in this as everything is done on a grander scale. Grander abilities for agents, grander cel-shaded art style, and more explody goodness. Oh, and Terry Crews is in it so that's not bad.

Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus

Wolfenstein is back! Everyone rejoice, except Nazis. This game looks like it will be more fun than blowing up a barrel of Hitlers.

Beyond Good and Evil 2

This game is back from development Hell. All we got was a trailer, but then again a sure sign that this game is not in the scrapheap is all we need.

Destiny 2

We saw a bit more of Destiny 2. It's not going to be identical to the first Destiny. This time around there will be some tweaks. First off is that the newly revamped weapon system. Weapons will be classified as Kinetic, Energy, and Power weapons. This beef up other weapons as the Scout rifle and the grenade launcher so you can not only customize, but experiment using other weapons in the mix. Bungie seems to be very concerned to fixing a lot of issues with the first Destiny and making improvements. We can't wait to see the finish product when it comes out.


We saw Vampyr last E3 and we get to see it again for this one, joy! So for those who don't know, Vampyr is a action role playing game where you are a recently turned vampire doctor in old London. Like all action role-playing games, you have decisions that change the course of gameplay. What sets it apart from the others is how you level up in the game, feeding off of the citizens of London. As which choices and consequences you can kill and gain vampiric powers, but risk vampire hunters and London on your ass along with other vampires. You do have the option to not kill anyone in the game, but this raises the difficulty in the game and fighting off your enemies as well.

Everything Nintendo

Nintendo really came with their A-game this E3. It seems that even before their E3 digest they were giving us great goodies like the Mario and Rabbids game and a peak at the Switch version of Skyrim. When it came for them to finally show what they had in store for us it was worth it. We got a demo of Super Mario Odyssey which looks glorious. Inspired by the exploration and creativity of Super Mario 64 and Sunshine it looks like won't disappoint us. Splatoon 2 looks like it will be better than the first. New Kirby. New Yoshi. Also if that didn't have you excited just yet, not only do we have one Metroid game coming up, but we have TWO with Metroid Prime 4 in the works.

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Wonder Woman: Did It Suck?

     One if the most anticipated comic book movies is out right now! All the world was waiting for the movie to come out and see the magic it could possibly do and for good reason. This is the fourth movie in the cinematic DC universe. With Man of Steel, Batman vs Superman, and Suicide Squad failing to wow us compared to Marvel's well oiled universe machine, the universe isn't so very interesting at all so far. Is it time to reboot the whole thing like they do in the comics or will Wonder Woman save the day.

     Heads up Zach Snyder is involved in this, but only as one of the writers and one of the producers. Patty Jenkins who gave us Monster with Charlize Theron is director. For those who read the comics, Wonder Woman's origin story is almost the same. The movie is pretty much set in World War I and the story begins in the same way in the comics. Diana, princess of  Themyscira, saves US spy Steve Trevor who crashes near the island of amazon warriors. Hearing about the war, Diana takes up the duty to help man and journey into Man's world and stop the war, oh and kill Ares because he's influencing the whole thing. No punching Hitler and there's no Amazon competition, we don't have time for that, Diana has to save the world.

     The script was pretty good. They captured the sense of who Wonder Woman was in the comics. Wonder Woman is not just a kickass Amazon in satin tights fighting for our rights. She is a strong woman in strength and on the inside, being just as nurturing just and caring as well. The script did a good job playing with her character who's thrown out not in Mans' world but a world that was in in decay from the war. Jenkins, the director did a great job evoking the emotion of how dire and helpless everything was in the war and how Diana experiencing it all was dealing with situation. You felt along with her seeing what she see and experiencing what she is going through and wanting to help. The best scene from the movie was the No Mans Land scene which was the heart of the movie and where you strongly felt the understanding of Diana and the movie's message. It was more than a superhero movie. More than your generic superhero origin film. It was an origin movie with purpose. Most of the reason Diana fought was more to actually help and you felt that instead of it being like other movies where the action scenes where put in to look cool or the hero learns what it is to be a hero at the end. Everything in the movie (flow, pacing, and writing) worked and was woven incredibly well. Add an emotional script with cool fighting scenes, even though that zoom effect could be kinda annoying at times and wholla: you got a interesting film.

     We've seen Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman in Batman vs Superman. In that movie we only got a small glimpse of her character, but in in the title film is where Gadot shines. She got the whole innocence and purity and courage of who Diana was. The movie was Diana growing and becoming her own person in the movie in her quest to stop Ares and you got a sense of her seeing how she was learning things outside of Themyscira and Gadot portrayed that feeling beautifully. Chris Pine was surprisingly good in it as well. The chemistry between Galdot and Pine was well done. What I liked about Steve Trevor's portrayal in the film was that he was fighting alongside Diana. It wasn't just her saving the day. He didn't feel like the sidekick at all. He was there to assist in battle and guiding Diana through our world. Pine did a great job.

Final Verdict
    Did Wonder Woman suck? Strangely enough that Zach Snyder had involvement, not at all. It is an epic movie where everything worked well and works well together. The acting, the writing, the pacing. It was done almost effortlessly. DC and Warner Bros. needed this film to be amazing after the bombs of Batman vs. Superman and Suicide Squad. This movie is the mark. This movie needs to be the example of how the future DC movie universe movies need to be made. Sometimes it takes a woman to set things right 4 out of five stars.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

How Will Zelda Mobile Play?

For the past year Nintendo has finally decided to make the leap into mobile gaming. And mostly with success. We had Miitomo and Super Mario Run which were both hits which generated millions of downloads. Then we had Fire Emblem Heroes which had a modest success. And let's not forget the reason we all braved the outside last summer, Pokemon Go. Of course with Nintendo doing so well with their mobile titles so far, and also promising to release a few titles each year, it is only plausible that not only would the company would make mobile versions of their other bigger titles.
     According to the Wall Street Journal, Nintendo is working on a Zelda mobile game. Nothing is confirmed yet and these are just so far only rumors. How exactly would a Zelda mobile game work?
Quite well. Zelda would be perfect as the series is known to be one of the best puzzle adventure games ever. But how will it look?
     If you could imagine probably it would work you can go back to the Game and Watch version of the original Zelda. In that version, they pretty much scaled down things by taking away the overworld and mainly focused on the dungeons of the game. But of course, unlike the basic Game and Watch versions Zelda mobile will probably retain the puzzle aspects of the series that we all love. The game could work like Super Mario Run where the dungeons will be level based and have you explore dungeons with different and more difficulties as you progress through the game. Because this is a Zelda games you have to have items to help you on your quest. You could rent or buy certain items like A Link Between Worlds to help you progress through dungeons. There might even be a magic meter like in most games that wears out if you use an item too many times.
     There's the question of how microtransactions will work, because of course this will be a freemium game and Nintendo needs more money. You can earn rupees (money) buy completing certain tasks or paying for them with real money. Gameplay might also depend on the magic meter that if it runs out, it might refill over time. Also like Super Mario you may have to buy certain dungeons to get the full game experience.
    Regardless of how the game will turn out I'm sure that we will love it, and Nintendo will love us throwing money at it. However another question about the game haunts us: Where will it fit in the timeline?

What are your thoughts?

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Will Nintendo's E3 Plans Deliver?

     Recently we learned that Nintendo has huge plans for this year's E3. As the same old they decided to not do a live presentation and go the direct, literally, route with doing a video presentation and the annual Nintendo Treehouse competition. What they're offering this year is a playable demo of the upcoming Super Mario Odyssey, more info on the upcoming games Splatoon 2 and ARMS as well as tournaments for said games too, and more.
     It's good and also kinda assuming that we finally get a playable demo of Odyssey. It is one of the most anticipated game for the Switch this holiday season as wel as the biggest title as well. We're looking forward to see what it has to offer and how things will be this time around. The same goes for Splatoon 2 and ARMS. People have accepted both games well. 
     Now to the topic, how well will the Dircet will be. That depends on what Nintendo has to offer not only this quarter but the next quarter. The Switch has already done better than the Wii U and that partially has to do with the titles they released so far. It is their fastest selling console with almost one million units sold since its start in March.
     The magic word Nintendo needs to know is consistency. We need Nintendo to have a strong lineup of games. It will be interesting to see how Nintendo does things past launch. So far what they're doing is good. They need to keep the momentum or up the ante. Hopefully they will keep things in the right direction. 

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Power Rangers - Did It Suck?

     After 10,000... no wait, a couple of years the Power Rangers reboot is in theaters. If you don't know what Power Rangers is first of all how? Second of all I'll tell you. Power Rangers is a TV franchise where a group of teenagers with attitudes are giving powers by a giant talking head in a tube called Zordon who are tasked to save Earth from evil aliens. It was Japanese footage from the series Super Sentai mixed with American footage and American actors that made 30 minutes of awesome. The series is still running after 30 years, but during the 90s it was a mega hit. I'm talking about HUGE. There were an insane amount of merchendise and toys that drove parents crazy, including my own. Now there the original story is being re-introduced to a new generation retold as an more grittier reboot. I saw it. Did it suck?

You've heard the story before. Zordon recruits a team of teenagers with attitudes to become Power Rangers and save the world? The story is a bit different this time. We were promised that this movie will be a more darker and grittier reboot of the series. It wasn't darker or grittier as the movie gave the original characters from the show: Trini, Zach, Kimberly, Billy and Jason more character and backstory. It's very much teenagers with not only attitudes but with problems. Think Degrassi, with superpowers. You got a lot of character background in this movie. Billy is the nerdy outcast, Kim is the a not so popular popular girl, Jason is a football jock that once had so much promise but fucked things up by getting into trouble with the law, Zach has to care about his ailing mother, and Trini aside of a running gag of everyone getting her name wrong is basically Ally Sheedy. I think the director had the Breakfast Club in mind while making the movie. It's cute and all, but it's obvious that Breakfast Fast club had a better job with character development than Power Rangers. At least the movie in its two hours had better character development than the tv series did the original cast during their run on the show. Action did take a bit of the back burner in order for you to get to know the characters with all the serious stuff happening in the later half of the movie. The movie did have a lot of jokes. They were the saving grace of the movie which made it a lot more entertaining. It took the opportunities to poke fun at certain things not only in the movie, but the show itself, which is not a bad thing as the show itself is now considered to be camp and over the top watching it now.

Most of the cast except for Zordon, Rita, and Alpha are mostly unknown actors. When it was announced who will be the Power Rangers in the movie, we were a bit skeptical. Will they do a good job, being the characters? A matter of fact they did. The biggest surprise has to go to RJ Cyler who played Billy and Darce Montgomery who played Jason. Both actors were the break away characters in the movie. Most of the cast did a great job, well most meaning everybody except for Elizabeth Banks. Her rendition of Rita seemed off. Not the iconic screechy voice in the Tv series, off but let me using different accents in certain scenes off. This surprised me as Banks is usually good in other roles I've seen her. Brian Cranston was great a Zordon, not a surprise as this is Walter from Breaking Bad. Bill Herter did an alright Alpha that didn't turn out as annoying, like in the show.

Final Verdict
Power Ranger overall seemed to be cute. It was a nice throwback to the series and in most cases it was funny. However with it main focus which was character development, it did a good job, but there are other movies that do it better. It tried to be a superhero version of the Breakfast Club but it didn't do a morphinominal job at that. Despite that it was a good movie, not great. Good. It gets a 3 out of 5.

Friday, March 17, 2017

Where Does Breath of the Wild Fit in the Zelda Timeline?

     Breath of the Wild is simply stunning. The game all about exploring an incredibly vast Hyrule as you brave trials and formidable odds in order to save Princess Zelda and Hyrule from Calamity Ganon. You can say fans are extremely satisfied with the game, or almost. While the game is incredible, one question or you can say one quest is left for fans to explore: Where does Breath of the Wild fit on the Zelda timeline? Beware of spoilers down below.

     For those who don't know most of the games in the Legend of Zelda series have been disputed exactly where they fit and relate to each other and theories of where they fit in a timeline have been one of the biggest mysteries in gaming, with few clues given, until Hyrule Historia officially revealed a map of where everything fits. There is a line where a few games are pretty linear like Skyward Sword happening before The Minish Cap. It gets funny when it gets to Ocarina of Time where there are three branches which is no wonder as that game deals largely with time travel. The three branches are a timeline where Link is returned to as a child at the end of the game (The Child timeline), the timeline that takes place after the events of the game (The Adult timeline) and a paradox timeline where Link fails to save Hyrule (The Fallen timeline).
    Like games before, Breath of the Wild gives sorta vague clues. In the game you do experience not only the ruins of the Temple of Time, but ruins of Lon Lon Ranch so this indicates that the game takes place after Ocarina of Time. Narrowing things down? Not really. Most of the games take place after Ocarina of time. Some fans have indicated that maybe the game takes place in the Fallen timeline as Link in this game has failed and has to be put to sleep for hundreds of years and the Master Sword is in the Lost Woods like A Link to the Past which is in the same timeline. While the former might be obvious, the latter could also be just a decision of visual artistry as the image of it resting in the Lost Woods is an iconic moment in the game. You do have things like certain creatures existing like Koroks and Ritos in the game which existed in other timelines, but that doesn't mean much as the series have done thing like put certain characters in other timelines as well.
    One theory is that the game takes place far in the future past the other games and is in a convergence time where the branches are rejoined. An example of this is where it has been stated that the Sacred Beasts in the game have fought Ganon 10,000 years years before and again 100 years and in during the final battle where Zelda has stated that Ganon, in his primal form has been tired of being reincarnated and that his final form in the game is his rage of doing so.
     So, let's get down to the nitty gritty. Does Breath of the Wild fit in the adult timeline? Not really. Even though it references a lot of stuff and creatures in that timeline according to the events in Wind Waker, Hyrule is under attacked by a somehow unsealed Ganon which causes it to flood and later on in the game Hyrule is forever in the bottom of the ocean, where the Temple of Time and Lon Lon Ranch is. It is most likely that it is in the Child timeline or the Fallen timeline, more so the Fallen timeline since what happens in the game seem to have a scenario where Link and Zelda fails and does have to restore Hyrule to its glory. Of course nothing is certain until Nintendo officially reveals where it is and shocks us all once again.

What are your thoughts?

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Should Nightwing Be A TV Series?

     Warner Bros, while trying to make sense of not only the entire DC universe but the recent Batman movie fiasco, is apparently making a Nightwing movie in the future. No release date or news or who's on board for the movie has not been revealed other than it is being made by Chris McKay from the Lego Batman movie and it is being written by Bill Dubuque who wrote The Accountant. For those who don't know who Nightwing is he's Dick Grayson, the first Robin, deciding to be the JC Chasez to the Justin Timberlake Batman-led dynamic duo an venture off into a solo super hero. While a movie may be cool and all, there are some things that question Warner Bros' decision to make it a movie and maybe making it a TV show might work better.
     First of is the obvious, we have no fucking idea what is going on in the DC movie universe most importantly the Batman part. Batman vs Superman and Suicide Squad hasn't really established a clear map of when things have taken place. We do know that there was a Robin, but one he's dead and two it's Jason Todd not Dick Greyson. BvS is suppose to be when Batman and pretty much every other hero aside from Superman are brand new and things that we know in the comics haven't happened yet. There's no clear indication when Batman went through already two different Robins before he started fighting crime, especially when we haven't even gotten a full story on Batman yet.
     Maybe a TV series can help explain things by taking place a few years after whatever may come from the upcoming Batman movie? There is a possibility that the Batman movie and maybe even the Justice League movie might give a better story about Jason and Dick, but a show doing that would probably go smoother than anything the movie universe might try. There could even with a Jason Todd/Red Hood storyline that might play out better than it would in the movies.

What are your thoughts?

Sunday, February 19, 2017

The Pewdiepie Problem: Now What

     For the people who have been in a coma for the past few weeks, you have missed a major scandal involving mega internet superstar and YouTube Jesus Felix Kjellberg a.k.a. Pewdiepie. So here how it went down. Pewds made a video about a website named Fivrr that, by giving five dollars they will do anything you want. While discussing the company, he decided to make a couple of jokes by having two people holding up a sign saying Death to All Jews, subscribe to Keemstar and having a guy dress up as Jesus say Hitler did nothing wrong. Funny? Not according to Wall Street Journal who saw this and decided to make a story accusing Pewds of being a nazi. This has sparked outrage and led to probably one of the biggest internet celebrity scandals of the year, so far.
     The scandal has led to the company he was signed with, Maker Studios who is owned by Disney, to drop him, the cancellation of his upcoming show on YouTube Red, and YouTube to demote him by removing his premium ad service. Pewds have been silent for a few days until he made a video addressing the video and apologizing for the joke.

“I'm sorry for the words that I used as I know they offended people, and I admit that the joke itself went too far,”

He continues on to say:

"I do strongly believe that you can joke about anything, but I also believe that there's a right way and not the best way to joke about things. I love to push boundaries, but I would consider myself a rookie comedian and I've definitely made mistakes like this before. But it's always been a growing and learning experience for me. And it's something that I actually learn to really appreciate. And I think this whole situation has definitely been that for me, and it's something that I'm going to keep in mind moving forward."

     Is anybody in the wrong? Are things being too PC? Is Pewdiepie a nazi? This scandal, and whole ordeal has been an example of certain media outlet sensationalizing certain things just to cause a scandal and most importantly to get views and clicks. For those who don't know what sensationalism is, it's basically when media takes something and completely run away with giving bogus and untrue stories just for attention. It is unethical and goes against journalistic morals. Not all media do this and this isn't a caution to distrust all media outlets. I am however shocked that out of all places, Wall Street Journal is responsible of this.
     Pewds is of course not a nazi, unless he is a part of some secret club and that's a probable as me winning the lottery. He did however got himself in this situation and Wall Street Journal saw an opportunity to pounce and they did just that. As for Disney and YouTube, they did want was logical and you can't be really mad at that as they saw a potential problem and scandal and protected themselves and their money. It what corporations do.
     The question is now what is to be done after the interwebs have shitted itself and threw it at the nearest fan? Well, Pewdiepie did what he was suppose to do. He acknowledged the issue with his joke and apologized and set the story out. He should also be aware that this will not be the last of it and there will be a target on his back. I think he has learned a lesson not to give people ammunition to attack. As for Wall Street Journal, they did what they sought to accomplished, not what he said as a attack to get him, but get their story and get their views. Other news sources who do nothing but sensationalize will be out to do the same and how this thing exploded will give just enough reason to do so.

What are your thoughts?