Sunday, December 23, 2018

Characters Who Should Be Guest DLC in Mortal Kombat 11

Mortal Kombat XI is coming and it has set our hearts a flutter as Scorpion rips them out. MK XI looks to be just as much as a bloodbath as it's predecessor was which is a complement for a fighting game franchise that has been around for years. One of the ways the series has stay fresh, along with not just rebooting the entire franchise, but becoming a gory Smash Bros by adding guest characters we all live to see kill or be killed by our favorite kombatants. We had horror favorites from Freddy Kruger to Jason Voorhees to  the Xenomorph from the Alien franchise popping in. Recently there are rumors of our favorite brooding dark guy in a cape, not Batman, Spawn might be in the next DLC. Here are some characters I think should be in the game as DLC.


Mortal Kombat isn't new to adding our favorite serial movie killers in the game so why not Candyman. Candyman's hook would be a nice weapon we would love to see buried in someone's head and he could launch bees as projectiles. We're also getting a reboot so it's perfect timing.

The Terminator (T-800)

This could be a bit weird but why not. You fight enough robots in the franchise anyway. Imagine Arnold saying fight with me if you want to die.


Another horror movie legend. If you are a Hellraiser fan you already know that torture and causing mass pain and carnage in right up Pinhead's alley and being put in the game would feel like home. Pinhead could attack people with chains which could work as a grab. He could even throw that Hell puzzle cube as a projectile. His super could be sucking you into is Hell dimension and zapping you with that Leviathan diamond thing. A fatality based on the Jesus wept scene would make the bloody icing on the cake. Who wouldn't want Pinhead in the game, other than Quan Chi?


DC and Netheream studios have this love thing going on with Injustice, and DC vs Mortal Kombat but we never talk about that, so why not let some DC characters join in on the fun? No other character would have fun like the Joker. He has a lot of tricks up his sleeve from spraying poison Joker gas and throwing bombs as possible projectiles the fun never ends.


Our favorite comic book foul mouth wisecracking mercenary badass who isn't Deadpool. Lobo would be a nice add to the game. He's mean, he's ruthless, he love to dish out the pain. He's basically intergalactic Kano with Kiss makeup with enough sassy wit to stand toe to toe with Johnny and Kassie Cage while putting those toes and foot up their asses.

Lizzie, George, or Ralph

Old fans would recognize these as former Midway legends. Lizzie, George, and Ralph were monsters from Rampage where they would destroy towns in Godzilla fashion. Seeing more monsterous versions of themselves tearing people apart would be nice to see.


Yes, another DC character. Deathstroke does seem more prone to fit right in with his own arsenal of weapons and the no hesitation to kill his enemies.

Andy Serkis as Mokap

If you were aware of the old Mortal Kombat games you would know that they have a character named Mokap. Mokap was a joke character that went from doing motion capture in the old Midway studio to fighting four arm dragon-men and Netherealm sorcerers. Since rebooting the game to a more serious, and even more gruesome telling, Mortal Kombat hasn't had a good joke character in a while. Why not just only bring back the joke character Mokap, but have him be everyone's favorite actor in a tight spandex suit with balls attached to it? It would be the epitome of a joke character.

Who do you think should be in the game as DLC?

Monday, December 3, 2018

Why Nintendo's Creators Program Failed

     Let the joyous news be spread the wicked old Nintendo's YouTube creators program at last is dead! Yes, people you've heard it. Nintendo has announced that they will be putting an end to their Creators Program. Nintendo's statement:

"We are ending the Nintendo Creators Program (NCP) to make it easier for content creators to make and monetize videos that contain Nintendo game content. We will no longer ask creators to submit their videos to the NCP, and creators can continue showing their passion for Nintendo by following Nintendo’s guidelines."

     So, by ending the program Nintendo appears that the company is going to be a bit more easy on how content creators feature videos containing Nintendo games. Hearing this news, you can be certain a lot of gamers on YouTube or YouTubers who like to make videos featuring Nintendo content are pretty excited hearing this news. But why? What made Nintendo's program so unpopular?
     As you know YouTubers get paid on YouTube by views and ad revenue. Gaming is one of the most popular genre with millions watching videos dedicated to video games as well as watching live streams of creators playing video games. Nintendo has been notorious in how they would take down videos and remove streams of creators featuring their content. In response to this Nintendo made a creators program in order to reach out to YouTubers and make things simple. This made things right? Wrong.
     The program had YouTubers follow a strict set of guidelines in which they had to follow in order to not have their videos taken down. Along with the set of rules what made YouTubers upset was the fact that they couldn't live stream games as Nintendo as they viewed this as spoiling content and driving away people that would buy the games. Also you would have to send the video to Nintendo and wait three business days for it to be deemed "satisfactory". What also didn't sit well was that signing up for the program Nintendo would pocket and good chunk of the money, 30% of revenue for the channels and 40% for video content.
     Nintendo had a program where a lot of YouTubers found to be a bit unfair and in some cases completely took advantage of their content. Famous YouTuber Pewdiepie said:

"I also think this is a slap in the face to the YouTube channels that does focus on Nintendo game exclusively. The people who have helped and showed passion for Nintendo's community are the ones left in the dirt the most.

And finally, when there's just so many games out there to play. Nintendo games just went to the bottom of that list. Even if more publishers starts implementing this idea of sharing revenue. Then fine, there's always going to be plenty of games out there, ready to become the next "Mienkraft" - Sounds cheesy, but it's true."

     It's true that with how Nintendo's original program stood and how many YouTubers felt that it was unfair it would largely turn them off from signing onto the program and even not consider playing Nintendo games which would not only hurt the relationship between them and the company but also having their games be featured in videos which could lead to more people buying their games. The program will be ending March 20, 2019. What are your thoughts on this recent news and Nintendo shutting down their Creators Program?