Sunday, April 17, 2016

Live Action Pokemon Movie: How It Can Be Super Effective?

Rumor is that there will be a live action Pokemon movie. Nothing is official yet, however The Pokemon Company is selling the movie rights in a top secret auction. It seems that the Pokemon Company has been trying to make Pokemon as real as possible as they can with the new Pokemon GO app and hopefully this. There is no possibility that this could be done. After all we did get a small taste of this with the Super Bowl commercial. The commercial does make it seem that a live action Pokemon movie isn't as bad of an idea as it might seem. But what would a live action Pokemon movie be based off of? These are a few thoughts as to what they can go with it.
     First the idea to make a live action movie based around the anime. That would be the worst idea. I feel like the anime and the possible universe of the live action movie should be kept separate. It's in its own realm as the games and the manga are. Also, the anime already have movies on their on so this wouldn't make sense. Also the thought of a live action Ash is cringe-worthy.
     Another thing is possibly who or what the movie could center around with is the game universe. Since Ash is completely out of the picture, literally, the next candidate could be Red, right? Wrong. I feel that Red as a character would be too old for current fans to identify with. He's our first and second gen hero. The new protagonist in X and Y and possibly Sun and Moon would probably be too new for the old fans to identify with as well. 
     The answer of how to do the movie justice could rest in one of the games. Not the main ones, one of its spin-offs, Pokemon Colosseum. No there shouldn't be a live action movie based off of Pokemon Colosseum, but the fact that it is in a completely different universe is exactly how the movie should be done.  It could make sense is if they could make a movie universe in of itself that is separate from the anime and the games. A separate movie universe, with a different region, and a completely different protagonist. It would be good for whoever gets the movie rights to give us something completely new to identify with as well as setting the movie as something new and separate from the games and anime. Now them pulling a Resident Evil with occasionally dropping video game characters like Red, Professor Oak, and Giovanni is a different story.

What are your thoughts on a live action Pokemon movie and what should it be about? 

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