Wednesday, April 22, 2015

The Batman v Superman, Star Wars Episode VII, and Fantastic Four Trailers: Do They Suck?

 Movie nerds got a treat over the weekend. We got to see the new trailers for Star Wars Episode VII, Batman v Superman, and Fantastic Four. These movies have been highly anticipated and have been scavenged for any rumors, leaks, and any small scrape of information that could be found. So, this weekend getting new teasers and trailers has been a gift to the geek gods. Thanks to these trailers, we can get a glimpse of what we might be in store for the up coming summer movie season and holiday film season this year and next. But the question is do they suck?

Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens
First things first we're going to start Star Wars. This is the second trailer for the film. This trailer we get to see more of the story in this first trailer. We got to see more of John Boyega's character, Finn which is a good thing. With the Luke Skywalker narration, we see that Episode VII is going to be Star Wars: The Next Generation. This is more evident with the buried Empire battleship and the melted Darth Vader helmet. We're going to be getting a lot of nostalgia moments in this film and possibly the other Star Wars films. That can be a big problem. Of you have to rely on nostalgia, it is usually a sign that the film doesn't have much to stand on on its own. Hopefully the whole thing isn't like that. It could be cool to see. Also, we didn't see any lens flairs so farso that's awesome.

Fantastic Four

Next up we have the Fantastic Four trailer. I must admit, I am actually impressed with what I'm seeing with this movie. All the news coming out about this movie, aside from having a black Human Torch, was absolute cringe worthy. It almost seemed that this movie would be as horrible as the Fantastic Four movies before it, I'm looking at you rise of the Silver Surfer. Anyway, this is the first time that you really get to see what The Thing looks like and I have to say that he looks pretty cool. Again, what impresses me is how everything is looking. The director, Josh Trank, has said that the film will not be using the source material from the comics. This concerned me and a lot of fans of the comic books. So far everything is looking like it's going to be fine as there are some liberties on the origins of the Fantastic Four so it's nice to see that we don't have to worry about it, or do we???

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Lastly we have the teaser trailer for Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. It looks like we're going to see the dark gritty Superman idea work, maybe. There's not much to take from it, being a teaser but it seems that taking place after the events after Man of Steel Superman has become public enemy number 1. People are at odds at what Superman is and what his agenda is. Apparently, Batman is here to find out, by taking versus part of the movie's title literally. Some of the parts in the teaser, especially the Batman parts look a bit Nolan-esque. That figures since what Nolan did to Batman had changed the game on what Superhero Films can look like. It revolutionized Superhero movies. Not much of the plot has been revealed and that's bit of a bummer, but the teaser sets the tone that this film is going to be epic.

What are your thoughts on the trailers?

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