Sunday, October 26, 2014

DC Movie Universe: What Will Marvel Do?

     Earlier this week we got news that along with the new "Justice League" movie, Batman v Superman, DC and Warner Bros. is planning  to release  a lineup of superhero movies for most of the superheroes involved. That means we will be getting an Aquaman movie along with a Wonder Woman movie (finally). Warner Bros. and DC are already making plans for Wonder Woman, looking for female directors to make the film. Does all of these movies being planned after a huge all-star superhero lineup movie sound familiar? It should. It sounds like DC is taking a lesson from Marvel's Movie Universe and they are making a universe of their own.
      This is kinda no surprise. We hear that the sequel to Man of Steel is going to not only Batman in it, then Wonder Woman, and then Aquaman, Cyborg, The Flash, and possibly a Robin? Not only who's in the movie, it would be awfully foolish of DC not to try to copy Marvel's movie strategy. Ever since Marvel came up with this idea to have a majority of every superhero movie they come out linked, every movie has been a hit. The Avengers, which brings this universe all together is Marvel's biggest success to date and its follow up, The Age of Ultron, is the most anticipated movie of 2014. DC's plan seems to be let's beat Marvel at its own game. The question is what can Marvel do to stay on top?
     As far as movies go, Marvel doesn't need to do much. As long as they keep up with the quality of story and production, they will be fine. Marvel has a finely ran machine in the movie department. If it isn't broke, don't fix it. In order for Marvel to excel, they have to go past movies and maybe start venturing into new territory. Maybe Primetime TV? Primetime TV is where DC reign. DC has had it run of Primetime shows for the past few years. We had Lois and Clark before Smallville on the CW and now DC has shows like Arrow as well as newly premiered shows like The Flash and Gotham. Since DC is trying to take on Marvel on their home turf, movies, Marvel needs to do the same. We haven't gotten much from Marvel when it comes to Primetime shows. We do have Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, but that seems to be the only thing right now. The time is now for them to expand a bit. There's a possibility that S.H.I.E.L.D might be them testing the waters for something big. There are rumors that there is an X-Men TV series being planned and that would be a good start for Marvel to come out on the offensive. They do have some good material for them to put out. It would be nice if we do see something else like a Fantastic Four drama on the CW or Fox as well.
     Whatever the plan is for Marvel, they have to consider how they're going to outdo not only themselves and the competition. They have reinvented the Superhero genere, making it a spectacle instead of it just being a movie about your favorite superhero. Whether or not if they are going to do the Primetime TV takeover route, I'm sure they are making plans on what they can do. Hopefully it will be good.

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