Saturday, December 17, 2016

Attractions We Need In Super Nintendo World

I know just like you, when you heard that there was going to be a Nintendo themed amusement park at Universal Studios I got pretty excited. This has been something that I've wanted ever sense a child. Earlier this week we kinda got an idea of what it would look like, at least the Mario portion of the park. Universal Studios has said that there will be other portions of the park that will be based on other games from Nintendo history. We may even have an idea on what some of the rides may be. Some leaked patents have reportedly leaked that shows that we might get rides based on Donkey Kong's mine kart rides from the earlier Donkey Kong Country games and a Mario Kart ride. What would the other rides might be? Well here are some ideas that I might want.

X: The Ride

For those who don't know, X was a game for the Game Boy. In the game you ride in this spacecraft. One of the pivotal parts of X was the music of you traveling through tunnels. The music was epic enough to be featured in Super Smash Bros. Brawl and the Wii U and 3DS versions. For an experience that inspired an epic score, why not have make it an epic ride. This could be the theme park's Space Mountain.

Charizard Roller Coaster

What's a amusement park without roller coasters? All those loops and turns and the feeling like your flying in the air. What could be more awesome, riding on an actual Charizard which is why a roller coaster ride based on the awesome dragon dinosaur? pokemon will be awesome. Would make you feel like you're riding on the back on one and using Fly.

Pokemon Stadium

I remember playing the awesome Pokemon Stadium games on my N64. Nothing like it. While we had similar games to it like Pokemon Coliseum, it was never the same. Why not bring it back, only to make it more epic. This attraction can be a booth that works like the games on a grander larger screen. It's a nice little throw back to nostalgia.

Badge Arcade

Nintendo has a lot of games. Why not play a ton of them. You could probably play some of the classic NES ones! Also, depending on how many token you get you can win real Nintendo badges. I think it would be a good way to show Nintendo's history of making excellent games over the years, and getting some pretty cool badges to show off to.

Metroid Space Tag

Inspired for the game form Nintendoland. It would be nice to see this become real, minus the obvious technological stuff we can't do yet. I'd still probably be cool to run around with Samus cannons and try to be the best bounty hunter in the galaxy. It would be like Metroid Prime Hunters, except fun.

Kirby's Hat Shop

Kirby has had some awesome hats in the series. Wouldn't it be nice if you could wear one too? You can wear a few of Kirby's iconic hats in the series. These won't give you powers.

Kirby Warp Star Ride

When we first saw the Warp Star in the Kirby games it looked pretty awesome. That's why a ride based on the Warp Star would be awesome. You'll almost as cool as Kirby does riding it in the games.

Hyrule Castle Town

In the teaser photo of Super Nintendo World we see what the Mario attraction would look like. We know that there will be other attractions as well. Why not a hub based on Hyrule and what would be better than Hyrule Castle Town. It will be like you're in Hyrule yourself as it will have games, goodies, and restaurants.

Link Cross Bow Training

Learn how to be an master archer like Link with archery practice. You get to shoot arrows at targets. Light Arrows for experienced archers too.

Luigi's Mansion

Luigi's Mansion is an amazing series so why not make a mansion based on the games. This could be the theme park's answer to Disneyland's Tower of Terror. You explore different rooms and may even encounter ghosts. We can even have a mini ride in it too.

Mario Obstacle Course

The Mario courses look like they can be fun if you tried them. This can be like Ninja Warrior where you can run a couple of courses designed after Mario levels. Swing on vines. Maneuver on rotating blocks. Climb and scale blocks. Even learn how to do a Super Jump into a foam pin.

What rides would you like to see?

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Where Is Zelda in Breath of the Wild?

     We were recently treated to a new trailer for the next Zelda game, Breath of the Wild. In it we see towns and settlements as well as NCPs fighting Moblins. We also see what looks like the ruins of Hyrule Castle town in the wake of Ganon awakening and decimating the area as well as Hyrule Castle. What we also see is a bunch of characters most notably two female characters.
     One of the female characters we see is wearing a female attire almost identical to what Link's default outfit in the game and promotion. She also has a Sheikan tablet in her hands. Another woman is standing next to Link. We see this woman is wearing a gown embroidered in gold and blue. We  don't know exactly who these women are as their faces are not shown.

     Going back to the female in Link's clothing, you would think that this could be a female version of Link, right? Well, according to Eiji Aonuma, the director of the Zelda series, we are not going to have a female version of Link in this game. Perhaps this character will be Zelda in the game. This isn't the first time in the series where Princess Zelda's role hasn't been solely princess of Hyrule. She has been a pirate, and a Sheikan warrior in the past games. This could alude back to Aonuma's comments about a female Link in the game. He did say that if there were to be a female protagonist in the game, it would be Princess Zelda. In some form Zelda could have a role where she is going through trials and awakening posts just like Link is in the game or may even assist Link in some of his trials.

      If the woman in the female version of Link's cloths is Zelda, then who could the woman in the gown be? There have been rumor that this could also be Princess Zelda later on in the game, but it could also be another important character in the game. It could be Impa. The gown looks similar to the outfit Impa wears in Skyward Sword. It even has a braid, just like the braid Impa had. It makes sense for her to make an appearance in the game since you are using Sheikan technology and the Sheikan tablet in the game. Impa's role could be just like Skyward Sword where she is a guardian, or like other Zelda games where she is a sage. She could also very well be a priestess of something.