Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Lookin Ass Niggas Lookin Mad

     Female rapper Nicki Minaj released a video for her upcoming album, The Pink Print, titled "Lookin' Ass Niggas." Nicki has decided to make a female anthem criticizing those bum guys who think they are God's gift to the world where in truth, they're not even that crappy last second gift from your nearest dollar store. These are the lyrics are of a woman angry and fedup.

"Look at y'all lyin' ass niggas
Talkin' 'bout "It's paid off" but it's financed, lyin' ass nigga
Bunch of non-mogul ass niggas
Frontin' like they got a plan, Boost Mobile ass nigga"

     The song has caused a bit of controversy. Some men are in an uproar of the content in Nicki's new song. Her male critics have gone so far as accusing Nicki of male bashing. Of course they can be upset and make their case, if it's reasonable, but the question is should they be mad at her for male bashing or are they really mad for her being too honest? Again, based on the lyrics, Nicki is mad about dealing with those type of bum guys and who can blame her? I see and deal with guys like that on a regular basis and I cringe everytime I'm in the same radius with them. The way they look. The way they act. I can see why no wouldn't even bother with them. I think to myself. You all need to do better.

    These "men" want to claim that they are men, but honestly, they have no idea what a man is. A few black men have a false idea what qualifications they must have to be a man. They think that if you sleep with enough women and if you look like you have money, you're a man. That is not the case. Being a man is not putting up a facade nor is it based on what you have or how many you sleep with. Being a man is carrying your self in a respectable manner and dealing with your actions. Back in the day, you had men who took care of their own. If they had a baby, they own up to that action and commit to raising the child. Their word and their actions spoke louder than anything else.

     There is a major issue we have today with our black men that needs to be fixed ASAP. We need our black men to stop pretending to be man and BE men. We need some of our men to really be about money instead of just saying it and trying to look like they got money. We need our men to be more responsible and to have a bit more respect for themselves and others. We need our men to actually take care of our women and their children. Nicki has opened up the flood gates and raised the awareness of this issue that will be looked deeply into, perhaps in another blog.

What are your thoughts on the song and its content? I'm looking forward to hearing it.

Friday, February 14, 2014

(Bad) Tips on Surviving Being Single on Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is the day where you spend time with your love one. You prepare to go all out to show that special someone how much you love them. It is a time to go all romantic. Taking you beau out to a romantic dinner, take them to a move, shower them with roses, or even give them a adorable teddy bear with a card saying how much you "wub" them. It is great day to love or be loved, except you're not. Valentine's Day can really suck for the single and lonely. You don't have anyone to call your own and you can hear the world laughing at your. It sucks, but it doesn't have to. So, put down that Romantic Comedy DVD and don't adopt any cats just yet. Here's what you can do to bitch slap Valentine's Day.

1. Stay away from couples 
Being around couples on Valentine's Day can be cruel. It's like dangling a steak in front of a hungry dog. Being the third wheel is NO fun. Seriously, they get all lovey dovey, calling each other cute names, and kissing, while you're sitting there all mopey, bitter, and wanting to shoot yourself. You don't need to deal with the constant reminder that you're forever alone. Avoid place where you think couple might go like restaurants or movie theaters. You'll thank me.

2. Stay away from bitter lonely people
So, what's worst than gushy love couples, bitter lonely people. I know it might sound nice to hang out with your fellow losers in love, but it's not. Just like you don't want to be around a group of people who remind you that you are alone, you don't want to be around people that remind you are alone and then complain about why they're alone and why everything sucks. Plus, the longer you are their, they start letting out all their angry and bitter feelings and it gets awkward and ugly. Quick.

3. Alcohol is your friend
What to do when your life sucks? Drink! Alcohol doesn't judge. It's a major stress reliever. You'll need it to get through this day. Jack Daniel's is a classy gentleman and he knows how to treat you right. Just be a little careful not to be one of those people who drinks and cries, letting all their problems out with every tear (it's not cute) and drink in moderation. Jack likes to have a little too much fun at your expense.

4. Go to the club
So, you're all liquored up and don't know where to go? The club! It will do you good to have a little fun. I know there might be couples and bitter people there, but they're at a good proximity from you, so it's all good. Dance, laugh, drink more! Let all you dating life troubles and the bitterness of singledom melt away on the dancefloor. Plus, if you get to have a bit of a laugh seeing all the desperate people try to hook up and you'll maybe see some of the couples break up in one night.

5. Prepare to pillage the stores for chocolate the next day
What's the best way to end this Valentine's Day? Cheap left over chocolate stores are trying to get rid off. Stores are hell bent to get people to buy a ton of crap for V-Day and are even more willing to get rid of it for the next few days. Plus, they go well with your leftover alcohol!

Friday, February 7, 2014

OMG!! Why Did They Cast HIM?!?!


     So, if you haven't heard, Jesse Eisenberg is our new Lex Luthor. The actor is the recently added to the cast of the upcoming Batman and Superman movie coming out in 2015. Warner Brothers believes that Eisenburg will direct the role into "new and unexpected directions." Warner Bros' decision to cast Eisenberg is obviously due to them wanting to portray a much younger Lex Luthor to match the recent graphic novels and TV adaptations of the iconic villain which does so. Eisenberg is 30 while the previous actors that portrayed Lex, Kevin Spacey (46) and Gene Hackman (48) were in their late 40s. Bryan Cranston, who everyone wanted to be cast in the role, is 57. Reaction to the casting says that some of you are not liking this decision one bit. I'll admit it, the cast of the new Superman/Batman is turning into a big WTF of who is playing what. We have an unknown actor, Gal Gadot, playing Wonder Woman that we have no idea how good she will be with the role and nothing to critique her acting and who can forget the internet meltdown that was Ben Affleck as our new Batman. There have been a petition and tireless crying from comic book fanboys for weeks demanding that Affleck needs to go, but people complaining about who is playing their comic book faves is new right?

Heath Ledger as Joker

When it was announced that Heath Ledger was to play the Joker in the upcoming sequel to The Dark Knight, fans all over the internet had an outrage. How dare the guy from Brokeback Mountain play the Joker?!?! Much to say, Ledger's performance was critically acclaimed, silencing all who dare questioned whether he would do the role justice. Roger Ebert said "He transformed the character of the Joker, who we thought we knew so well, into a suffering, haunted being, stripped of all emotion except for ruthless self-pity."

Daniel Craig as James Bond

It's one thing when some Bond fans don't think you're right to fill the legendary shoes of Britain's favorite spy, but it's another when even the director thought you weren't the right choice. Before working with Craig for Skyfall, director Sam Mendes had doubts on whether Craig was worthy of the role until he saw him in Quantum of Solace. "I watched him go through that intense pressure and come through that with flying colours," says Mendes. Oh, and it doesn't hurt when Roger Moore says that you were a kickass Bond.

Anne Hathaway as Catwoman

So when news started circulating that Anne Hathaway would be donning the iconic skintight leather suit and cat ears for The Dark Knight Rises, surprise surprise, people weren't liking it. Well, they did have a reason. This was new territory for Hathaway. Most of the roles she was in were different than Catwoman. People were already comparing to Michelle Pfeiffer's Catwoman in Batman Returns, saying she will never live up to that role. Much to say, Hathaway's performance was great. Hathaway portrayal of  Catwoman was well met, praised by critics. A review in Washington Post stated: “Hathaway is the sensational secret weapon of this production, a tart, leggy operator who can turn on a dime from damsel-in-distress to canny kitten-with-a-whip.”

So there you have it. A short list of few actors that got a lot of criticism for being chosen to play legendary fictional characters and rose above the pressure. Will the cast of the new Batman/Superman be just as critically acclaimed? We'll see. Will everyone suck? Maybe. Will Ben Affleck be considered a better Batman than Michael Keaton or at least not as bad as Val Kilmer? The Fates will decide. What I'm saying people is give them a chance.